Success Cases: Renault

How to make production in the
Automotive Industry sustainable


Renault do Brasil S.A


290,000 vehicles manufactured in 2018




Internal Management and Generator Modules


Presentation of data for audits;
Decentralized data;
Decision making with retroactive data.


Análise preditiva de dados;
Redução de custos;
Relatório e indicadores em tempo real;
Segurança dos dados em auditoria.

Increased efficiency in waste management

Renault had a great challenge in understanding and centralizing data on the generation of waste in its production process, which caused difficulties in auditing processes. Data were only analyzed after more than a month, that is, actions and decision-making were carried out based on data and information from the past.

GreenPlat™ developed a solution to meet Renault’s main needs. We systematized and automated all the reports and data that Renault manually recorded in spreadsheets. From this project, the generator module and the main reporting functionalities (real-time data) emerged. As the Platform is collaborative, the project is a continuous improvement process, in which we work daily with Renault to implement new improvements that arise with the use of the solution.

With the use of the Platform, Renault achieved a significant improvement in the efficiency of its process. The Platform helped to internalize the waste management process, reducing costs and optimizing the operation, centralizing all data and documents needed in a single responsive platform that stores all data in the cloud without the need for investment and infrastructure. With real-time data, the industry can identify management opportunities and quickly take action based on what’s happening, looking to the future.

"Vemos a prova da eficácia do sistema pelas auditorias. Em alguns cliques, é possível acessar toda a documentação necessária. Com o Excel, as informações ficavam perdidas e desconexas. Com a PlataformaVerde, passamos segurança para o auditor."

Rafael Mattos
Supervisor de Meio Ambiente na Groupe Renault

Success Cases: Mig Lix

Automation and Productivity:
The Perfect Match


Mig Lix Resíduos Industriais


Big clients like Wickbold and PepsiCo




Manager and Generator module for clients


Information control;
Feeding internal spreadsheets;
Incorrect data.


Reliable information;
Productivity increase.

Mig lix: More reliability in waste management

As a manager, Mig Lix provides services to a number of companies. The biggest challenge encountered before using GreenPlat™ was the control of internal data and that of all its customers in countless spreadsheets. There was a daily rework in the feed of these spreadsheets – internal and external – and, in addition, all analyzes and reports took a long time to be generated. This entire process still brought a greater risk to the business: as all data inputs were manual, there was a high probability of errors and decisions were often made based on wrong information.

The GreenPlat’s™ project was quickly implemented after an initial registration phase, and then all outputs and Waste Transport Manifests (MTR) were automatically generated by the solution. One of the main points that brought even more value to the project is the usability of the solution for end users with a pleasant and intuitive interface, ensuring that all employees had a high rate of adoption of the platform in a short period of time.

GreenPlat™ brought a significant gain to all Mig Lix operations. The main benefits were related to the autonomy and reliability of the information, which became automated, making it possible to serve more than one customer at the same time. Consequently, there was a significant gain in productivity, causing time to be allocated to other activities and mainly focused on a more strategic work for the company and its areas.

"The platform's interface is something that 'sparkles the eyes of the beholder'. You arrive at a multinational client, who fills in 10 spreadsheets to get a number, with an online system with a beautiful interface, pleases all parties involved in the production chain control."

Guilherme Aguiar
Quality and Work Safety Coordinator

Success Cases: iFood

Efficiency And Control In The Disposal
Of Post-consumption Waste


iFood Online S.A


Leader in the delivery sector in Latin America




Greening Project and Headquarters and Branches Module


Materials control;
Data divergence;
Complicated and unconsolidated spreadsheets.


Information Management;
Organizational Efficiency;
Project "Já Fui Bag";
83 ton of materials correctly destined.

Tracking Project Waste "Já Fui Bag"

Have you ever stopped to think about where the bags that the deliverymen use will end up and over time they wear out and are no longer suitable for use? The largest delivery company in Latin America yes. In partnership with GreenPlat™, iFood implemented a project of Reverse Logistics throughout the country, offering new functions for each part of the material in the old bags of its partners, reusing 100% of what has already been brought to your home with warm food.

In the first phase of the project, more than 83 tons of materiald were correctly disposed of using GreenPlat™ and iFood reached the Zero Landfill mark in this process. This means that with GreenPlat™ it was possible to recover, control, track and give environmentally adequate destinations to 100% of the bags exchanged nationally.

Before using GreenPlat™, iFood had the great challenge of controlling the destination of this material in decentralized spreadsheets, which sometimes had different information. It is now possible to view indicators and reports at any time and extract analysis quickly and easily.

For the next few years, iFood has an ambitious goal of environmentally correct disposal of 100% of the waste involved in its delivery process – packaging, utensils and much more. Always with traceability to ensure the reliability and control of information, and that GreenPlat™ understands.

"The future is sustainable and we managed to guarantee the reliability of the information through the use of PlataformaVerde, raising the level of the 'JÁ FUI BAG' project even more"

Mychelle Botelho
Logistics at iFood

Success Cases: GRI

Ease To Manage Waste, Providers And Destinations


GRI - Gerenciamento de Resíduos Industriais


Waste management at beverage and food giant PepsiCo




Generator Module


Registration and control of providers;
Manual MTR issuance;
Decentralized worksheets.


Easy and fast control of partners and providers;
Holistic view of waste generation and processes;
+130 MTRs generated per month.

Fast Crucial Information Management

Managing waste from large productions is not an easy task. For GRI and PepsiCo, carrying out the process manually and using decentralized spreadsheets required a lot of administrative time and brought great difficulties.

Now the traceability in waste management delivered by GreenPlat™ is a great ally of GRI/PepsiCo to control providers and be up to date with environmental regulations. Through the software, it was possible to register all partners involved in the destination process and manage their licenses, permits and environmental certifications.

GreenPlat™ also allowed a holistic view of waste generation not only at the headquarters, but also at its branches, facilitating the PepsiCo and GRI processes, in addition to the easy, fast and complete issuance of about 150 Waste Transport Manifests (MTR) per month!

For PespsiCo and GRI, their environmental goals go beyond the Zero Landfill mark: they want to return all waste to production through a circularity and reverse logistics process, and GreenPlat™ will be a great ally in this, allowing a complete view of the path taken by the waste .

"Greenplat is a partnership and facility for customer sustainability."

Giovanna Oliveira
GRI Intern at PepsiCo

Success Cases







Get to know the functionalities of GreenPlat'sPlataformaVerde software in practice with some of our success cases with national and international clients. The challenges they faced before deploying our solution may be similar to yours and the results achieved may be your goal today.

Privacy Policy


At GreenPlat™, we recognize the importance of protecting personal data and are committed to processing it responsibly and in compliance with applicable law. Therefore, by accepting the use of all cookies on our website ( and providing your data through forms, you agree with the treatment that we will give to your data, under the terms defined herein.


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We use cookies to learn how you interact with our content and to improve your experience when visiting our website.

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It is all aimed at improving your user experience.


What data do we collect?

At GreenPlat™ we collect data that you provide us through registrations in forms on our website, and we understand that by submitting it you are agreeing to the collection of data for use by our company. We collect data such as: Full Name, E-mail, Telephone, Company, National Register of Legal Entities (CNPJ), Position/Function in the Company, Company’s Field of Activity and Number of Company’s Employees. In addition to preferences and interests in tools from the universe of Sustainability, Environment, Supply Chain and Waste Management.

We do not collect sensitive data, such as genetic, biometric, ethnic, sexual orientation, criminal convictions, among others, and personal data from children under thirteen (13) years of age. When we discover that we have unintentionally collected, we will immediately remove such data from our system.

How will we use your data?

We will use your data to send content, news and information produced and/or selected by GreenPlat™ via email.

Our servers are external (, and meet all security and reliability requirements. We use several security procedures and routines to protect your personal data. However, it is known that there is no impenetrable security system and, therefore, it is impossible to guarantee that the data will remain permanently safe from intrusion during storage or transmission.

Under no circumstances do we disclose or sell your data to third parties, being used exclusively by GreenPlat™ and active customers when registering to become a provider in our system (

We will keep the personal information you provide us only if there is a legitimate purpose in motion. If, by any chance, a legitimate purpose ceases to exist, we will delete your information from our databases. You can delete your information from our database by clicking on the unsubscribe button at the end of each email sent or by contacting us by sending a message to:

What does the legislation say?

GreenPlat™ complies with the LGPD – General Data Protection Act. Therefore, pursuant to art. 18 of Law No. 13.709/2018, you are entitled, at any time and upon request, to (i) confirmation of the existence of treatment, (ii) access to data, (iii) correction of incomplete, inaccurate or outdated data, ( iv) anonymization, blocking or deletion of unnecessary, excessive or processed data in violation of the provisions of Law No. 13.709/2018, (v) portability of data to another service or product provider, (vi) deletion of personal data processed with the consent of the holder, (vii) information on the public and private entities with which the controller shared data, (viii) information on the possibility of not providing consent and on the consequences of denial, and (ix) revocation of consent.

If you have questions or require more information about how we use your personal information, complaints or questions about your privacy, please contact us at


GreenPlat in the Media

Check here what is being said about GreenPlat™ in the national and international media.


The electronic issuance of the MTR (waste transport manifest) through the GreenPlat™ Platform Verde software is a simple, easy, fast and reliable process.

The PlataformaVerde software is a complete ESG monitoring and waste management system, which, in addition to providing management benefits, also offers the issuance of the online MTR integrated with the various government systems.

In addition to the functionality of the online MTR being integrated with the SINIR (National Waste Information System) and other state systems, you can also extract, in real time, management, fiscal and environmental reports on all waste operations carried out with control of waste generation by production area, shift, control of internal movements between the generating areas and its waste center with stock control and even apportioning the costs and revenues of its waste by area. It is also possible to identify its production efficiency and control the destinations made by all internal generation points.​

With PlataformaVerde your company has all these processes in one place with ease, speed and reliability, linked to the issuance of the Online Waste Transport Manifest.

Environmental Licenses

Store own and partner Environmental Licenses with GreenPlat™

GreenPlat’s™ software has blockchain architecture architecture, and in it, it is possible to store all the necessary information of your production chain as well as all the Environmental Licenses of your website and its partners at the Municipal, State and Federal level. Everything is concentrated on the same platform, with blockchain technology protection which does not allow data to be altered and also guarantees the validation of all entities in its environmental and final destination chain.

So, for everything you need to know about its production and disposal, just log in from wherever you are, with your login and password online and securely.

Facilitating, at the time of an audit, access to environmental legislation and standards. In addition, we allow full control of your entire supply chain, from the moment of extracting the raw material, manufacturing your product and controlling your production losses to the final destination, including, being able to predict and guarantee the proper destination of your generated waste in the production process.

Reverse Logistics

With GreenPlat™ you can control and track your entire Reverse Logistics process in real time

We have the most complete module on the market focused on serving Reverse Logistics: in real time we track, monitor and connect generators, transporters and final destinations to facilitate the exchange of information on waste, ensuring that it returns to the production sector as a material. press, in line with best circular economy practices.

Since we entered the market, we have helped companies to correctly dispose of their waste. So far, more than 1 million tons of waste have been managed through our software – this means that all of this has been correctly disposed of, not polluting the environment.

For people and governments, this means a cleaner environment: reducing the risk of contamination, and improving sanitation and public health. Furthermore, through our software, companies are able to recycle more: helping to generate more jobs and income for those working in this market, and making the circular economy happen in practice.

Real-Time Reports

Dashboards, graphs and reports of your entire operation in real time with the GreenPlat™ Platform, bringing management to just 1 click in the palm of your hand.

Within our BaaS software you can extract detailed reports by Waste Categories, Transport Control, Volume X Revenue, Transport Cost, MTR’s Issuance, Invoices and much more.

These reports help to obtain a more detailed view of the operation, measure potential improvements, optimize waste management, have access to expense and revenue visualization, and compare their results with other industries in the market. Plus, you control all environmental KPIs, providing the business with a complete, real-time ESG dashboard that can be viewed in PDF and Excel.

Leave your punctual audits behind, turn your process into a constant real-time audit, kiss goodbye to decentralized spreadsheets and controls in emails and folders, join an ESG revolution, online and sustainable.



Generate electronic waste transport manifests and control transport, cargo, destination and receipt signatures digitally.


Control losses, transports and destinations of your entire production chain through indicators, graphics and reports online, in the palm of your hand.


Get more income and less expenses by controlling your supply chain.


Issue certificates and keep up with your company's environmental compliance.


Receive and create automatic notices of licenses, environmental permits, certificates, manifests, packing slips, invoices, audits, and others, with deadlines and expiration under control.


Meet your environmental goals by establishing varied KPIs and tracking results in the software.


Get in direct contact with the companies that manage and treat your waste, creating a history for your business relationships and check the legal compliance of your suppliers.


Automate your processes and control materials and logistics management in real time with the integration of IoT sensors.

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      Cities Solutions

      Main benefits

      A problem found in all Brazilian cities is the difficulty of public authorities in tracking the generation of waste in cities. What happens, day by day, is that only a part of this garbage is properly disposed of. However, another part becomes a burden on governments, while a third part is irregularly disposed of in underground areas. This waste contaminates our water resources, the natural environment, the soil, causes flooding and represents a health risk for the urban population.

      With these problems in mind, GreenPlat™ developed the CTR-E, a blockchain software for tracking and controlling the transport and destination of waste from large private generators with the aim of increasing the inspection power of its municipality.

      Case City of São Paulo

      According to Amlurb (Municipal Authority for Urban Cleaning of the City of São Paulo), 18 thousand tons of garbage are produced daily in São Paulo. Having a municipal tool that brought transparency to the garbage path, enabled the government to inspect, audit and punish those who disrespect the environmental law.

      Before the CTR-E, only 5,000 companies were registered as waste generators in the city of São Paulo, with 88 companies having permission to transport them. Through the CTR-E, it was possible to register more than 690,000 companies that generate waste, and 742 companies that transport them.

      This helped the municipality of São Paulo to create new public policies, understand the entire waste management ecosystem in the city and its impact on society through reliable data.





      We positively affect the urban population, as we help to reduce incorrect disposal and bring assertiveness to those who work with waste management in the public and private sectors, as we deliver real-time traceability, transparency and agility to their processes.

      Our application is 100% scalable and applicable for both 1, 100 and 1,000 municipalities and 100% auditable.

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          Business Solutions

          Main Benefits

          More than 1500 companies are already using GreenPlat’s™ private module every day in Brazil, the ESG platform created to accelerate cleaner production, bring transparency and foster the circular economy.

          In addition to waste, we track supply chains to generate transparency and control CO2 emissions from your operations and suppliers.

          Internal Management
          Supplier management
          Document Management
          Headquarters and Branches


          Control the entire waste path, from collection to final disposal, quickly, unified and optimized with data from the entire process in real time. The GreenPlat Generator Module allows companies that generate waste to control the entire process: volume, type, packaging, conveyor, treatment units, until the final destination.

          It is still possible to issue the Waste Transport Manifest that goes through all the understanding digitally, and store the documentation, certification and environmental licenses for each one of them. A simple, easy, fast and reliable process.

          Internal Management

          Using GreenPlat’s™ Internal Management module, you monitor the entire path of waste within the industry itself. Have data and information on raw material input, generation by areas and shifts, stock control and packaging, and real-time monitoring of internal movements between the generating areas and the waste center.

          Also identify production efficiencies and control the destinations of all internal generation points through Movement Documents with more than 30 different reports on the entire production.

          • Zero landfill in 6 months.
          • 100% digitization in the waste management process.
          • Full control of raw material storage.
          • Significant financial benefits.

          Supplier Management 

          We are the first environmental system in the world based on solid waste management Blockchain capable of registering and controlling production units, suppliers, partners, transporters and recipients of urban and industrial solid waste.

          Through GreenPlat’s™ you issue waste collection requests to transporters in a completely online, simple and practical way. Your partners automatically receive requests and access our software to accept and collect the information. In addition to the great functionality of issuing the Waste Transport Manifest online and fully integrated.







          Document Management 

          In the Document Management Module, you store all the necessary information about your production chain as well as all your own Environmental Licenses and partners at the Municipal, State and Federal level. Everything is concentrated on the same platform, with the protection of blockchain technology GreenPlat’s™ that does not allow data alteration. This facilitates audits, legislation and environmental standards, eliminating controls on folders and emails, bringing all management to 1 click.

          Headquarters and Branches 

          We have a specific module that allows the head office to control, simplify and standardize the operations of its branches in one place. With wide viewing and alignment, branches can even be in different states.

          In addition, it is possible to extract accurate reports and maintain detailed histories for future assessments, making it dynamic when evaluating a specific point. With tool upgrades, you store environmental licenses and documents at municipal, state and federal levels.

          At GreenPlat’s™ we have success cases with construction companies and factories that have more than 15 branches.

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            ESG Plataform

            (E) Environmental (S) Social (G) Governance

            Real-time ESG monitoring: attract investments, cause social and environmental impact and win over your consumers, stakeholders and the local community using PlataformaVerde

            ESG stands for Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance, which is a way for investors to analyze corporations from the point of view of their initiatives and commitment to the environment, social issues and corporate governance.

            Companies that meet the criteria tend to have some advantages, namely: cost reduction; the high long-term competitiveness; the minimization of regulatory and legal interventions; increased employee productivity; and mainly the optimization of socially positive investments.

            Discover GreenPlat™ Solutions that make you meet the ESG criteria.

            Post-Consumption Waste, Recycling and Reverse Logistics

            We track and monitor the entire chain in real time, generating proof of Reverse Logistics and fostering Circular Economy.

            We connect generators, transporters and final destinations to facilitate the exchange of reliable information, helping recycled waste return to the production sector as raw material, in other words, creating the circular economy.

            In addition, we have exclusive partners that issue reverse logistics credit using our technology to generate environmental certifications, with end-to-end technology and monitoring in real time.

            One of our success stories is the iFood Reverse Logistics and Circular Economy project, which started in December 2019 with the purpose of achieving Zero Landfill and tracking the collection of all old and poor condition backpacks from iFood partners throughout Brazil, and send them to an environmentally suitable destination, thus preventing them from being incorrectly disposed of in the environment.

            After a few months of working together with GreeningHub, we started tracking bags left by deliverymen in all Brazilian states and in less than a year iFood became a Landfill Zero.

            Another case of Reverse Logistics, traceability, certification and credit is Puig, with whom we have worked since 2018, also in partnership with GreeningHub, retailers and recycled materials cooperatives.

            87 ton

            of recovered backpacks

            0 waste

            shipment to landfill


            new products made

            65 ton

            of waste destined for energy recovery


            reached states +
            Federal District

            Post Industrial Waste and Environmental Management

            Monitor from the generation of waste from the production process to the final destination with GreenPlat™.

            We have a software with several applications and among them, a module that controls production losses, waste generation and proper disposal. Through it, its operators record internal generations and movements in 1 click via app and QRCode. His team also manages all own and third-party documents to keep management in the palm of your hand.

            To complete, with our Collection Order module, you communicate with your suppliers in a digital and integrated way, controlling until delivery to the final destination, with subscription and geolocation. We offer reliability, transparency and speed to processes that were previously handled only on paper, incompatible spreadsheets and e-mails, giving you the certainty of your residue’s journey to its final destination.

            In a few clicks prepare reports for an entire production, facilitate your audits and consolidate all operations in a single screen.


            GreenPlat™ was chosen by Takeda Pharma, to solve the demands of waste management, digitization of processes and everything that involved Industry 4.0. With the facilities and improvements, the pharmacist managed to improve its internal management of the entire production process and especially of waste disposal.

            • Zero landfill in 6 months.
            • 100% digitization in the waste management process.
            • Full control of raw material storage.
            • Significant financial benefits.

            Carbon and Climate Change

            GreenPlat™ allows for waste management and we are increasingly including new features for other environmental indicators, such as greenhouse gas emissions.

            We are recognized by the World Economic Forum as Pioneers in third generation blockchain technology, as one of the only systems in the world that applies the technology to supply the production chain. We lead two international WEF coalitions to solve the issues of tracking CO2 emissions and connected production networks, increasing end-to-end visibility in the supply chain.

            In partnership with the World Economic Forum, GreenPlat™ is developing a global platform where it is possible to control the carbon footprint of its products, both from what was emitted during its process, as well as from previous suppliers. In addition to having access to customizable dashboards and reports proving CO2 emissions through online monitoring.

            Control the Carbon Footprint of products

            End-to-end traceability on emissions;

            Proven positive socio-environmental impact

            Real-time own and partner audits


            Chain monitoring and calculation of CO2 emissions in the production and assembly of washing machines in Turkey.

            Traceability and Transparency

            Track in real time from raw material extraction to final destination.

            GreenPlat’s™ technology is applied in all types of production chains, tracking suppliers and bringing transparency. This addresses several value chain problems, such as child labor and legal origin, avoiding any parallel market that could impact a value chain from beginning to end. This protects brands and allows businesses and consumers to make informed decisions.

            “What is not measured, is not managed"

            Edwards Deming

            • +1500 business units uses GreenPlat™.
            • We help companies achieve Zero Landfill in less than a year.
            • Cost and efficiency gains with digitization.
            • Reduction of administrative time in waste management, waste management and disposal.
            • Control of own or third-party license.
            • Real-time reporting and dashboards for audits and queries.
            • Control in 1 click, in the palm of your hand!

            Water and Energy Management

            Another feature in the oven: water and energy management.

            GreenPlat™ is developing a software application where it is possible to manage sewage, water and effluents with transparency and reliability.

            In partnership with the Toilet Board Coalition, an international coalition committed to accelerating universal access to sanitation, we are developing modules within our BaaS (blockchain as a service) software to bring control and management to this process.

            Internal Management
            Supplier management
            Document Management
            Headquarters and Branches

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                Registration of Supplier

                GreenPlat™ has created the largest blockchain network for waste management, treatment and disposal in the world and you can be part of it!
                Register here to be a service provider of collection, recycling and other types of final disposal of waste in our network of companies that generate these losses throughout Brazil, creating opportunities for more connections with them and other companies, being an integrated solution in our software.






                WORLD AWARDS

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                  Inicial EN

                  What is GreenPlat ?

                  An ESG management and monitoring software that tracks processes and production chains, from origin to destination, in addition to managing your production losses. We operate from raw material extraction, supplier and branch management, production control, transport tracking, to waste disposal and reverse logistics. Get data, MTRs, licenses and reports with just one click in the palm of your hand.

                  We use Blockchain technology to give your company more TRACEABILITY, TRANSPARENCY, COMPLIANCE, DATA SAFETY and RESULTS.

                  An ESG management and monitoring software that tracks processes and production chains, from origin to destination, in addition to managing your production losses. We operate from raw material extraction, supplier and branch management, production control, transport tracking, to waste disposal and reverse logistics. Get data, MTRs, licenses and reports with just one click in the palm of your hand.

                  We use Blockchain technology to give your company more .
                  Learn More

                  Benefits of using GreenPlat


                  Potential revenue increase and reduction of costs by managing your waste generation and disposal with GreenPlat™.


                  All the data you need to reduce the environmental impact of your operation.


                  Potential revenue increase and reduction of costs by managing your waste generation and disposal with GreenPlat™.


                  All the data you need to reduce the environmental impact of your operation.


                  Reduce administrative time and increase your productivity issuing reports and certificates digitally.

                  ZERO-LANDFILL IN 12 MONTHS

                  Speed up your Zero-Landfill goals. Understand how to give the most appropriate destination for each type of waste.


                  Reduce administrative time and increase your productivity issuing reports and certificates digitally.

                  ZERO-LANDFILL IN 12 MONTHS

                  Speed up your Zero-Landfill goals. Understand how to give the most appropriate destination for each type of waste.


                  No more missed deadlines when renewing your licenses. Stay up to date with environmental legislation.


                  Increase traceability and compliance in the supply chain and production management.


                  No more missed deadlines when renewing your licenses. Stay up to date with environmental legislation.


                  Increase traceability and compliance in the supply chain and production management.

                  1,200 features.

                  1,500 customers.

                  40,000 registered companies.

                  More than

                  1,200 features.

                  1,500 customers.

                  40,000 registered companies.

                  1,200 features.

                  1,500 customers.

                  40,000 registered companies.

                  More than

                  1,200 features.

                  1,500 customers.

                  40,000 registered companies.

                  1,200 features.

                  1,500 customers.

                  40,000 registered companies.

                  1,200 features.

                  1,500 customers.

                  40,000 registered companies.

                  NOTE: Average KPIs reached by GreenPlat™ customers. Those may vary according to the sector and nature of operations.

                  GreenPlat™ Modules

                  There are more than 20 modules for different industry segments: food, chemical, pharmaceutical, logistics, automotive, retail, textile, among others.
                  SEE MORE



                  Generate electronic waste transport manifests and control transportation, cargo, destination and electronic signatures.

                  REVENUE AND EXPENSES

                  Control your production chain and have more control over your revenue and expenses.

                  LICENSE CONTROL

                  Never work with an expired license again. Create custom notifications for environmental licenses, environmental authorizations, certificates, manifests, packing lists, invoices, audits, and others. Keep deadlines and expiration dates under control.


                  Meet your environmental goals. Track KPIs and the results in the software.

                  DASHBOARD AND REPORTS

                  Control production losses, material and waste transportation and final destination with real-time dashboard and online reports.


                  Issue environmental certificates and keep up with the  environmental compliance.

                  SUPPLIER MANAGEMENT

                  Easy communication with suppliers that manage and transport your waste. Create a traceable record of your business relations and have more control over environmental compliance of your suppliers.

                  IOT SENSORS

                  Automate your processes and control material management and logistics in real time with the integration of IoT sensors.


                  We are trusted by 1500 customers in all Brazilian states.

                  SEE MORE CASES


                  Here are some of the awards and recognitions our work has won around the world for presenting a totally innovative solution.









                  Join this revolution, register for free and get seen by more than 40,000 companies that already use GreenPlat.

                  Terms and Conditions

                  At Plataforma Verde, we acknowledge the importance of protecting your personal data. That is why we are committed to processing it responsibly and in accordance with the applicable law.

                  Therefore, by providing us your data, sending it by completing and submitting the contact form, you agree to the treatment that we will give to your data, under the terms outlined herein.

                  We will use your data to send content, news, and information produced and/or selected by GreenPlatforms by e-mail. Under no circumstances will your data be shared with third-parties. Our servers are external but meet all necessary security and reliability requirements. Green Platforms uses several security procedures and routines to protect your personal data. However, it is known that there is no impenetrable security system, and, therefore, it is impossible to guarantee that data remains permanently saved from invasions during storage or transmissions.

                  We will keep the personal information you have provided to us only as long as there is a legitimate business purpose in progress. If a legitimate business purpose in progress ceases to exist, we will delete your data from our databases. You can delete your information from our database by clicking the unsubscribe button at the end of each email sent or by contacting us by sending a message to

                  Green Platforms complies with the LGPD – General Data Protection Law. Therefore, under the terms of art. 18 of Law No. 13,709 / 2018 of the Brazilian Constitution, you are entitled at any time and upon request, (i) confirmation of the existence of treatment, (ii) access to data, (iii) correction of incomplete, inaccurate or outdated data, (iv) anonymization, blocking or elimination of unnecessary, excessive or treated data in disagreement with the provisions of Law No. 13.709 / 2018 of the Brazilian Constitution, (v) portability of the data to another service or product provider, (vi) elimination of personal data treated with the consent of the holder, (vii) information on public and private entities with which the controller has shared use of data, (viii) information on the possibility of not providing consent and on the consequences of denial and (ix) revocation of consent.

                  If you have any questions or require more information about how we use your personal information, complaints or inquiries about your privacy, please contact us at

                  BACK TO HOME


                  What is GreenPlat ?

                  SaaS that tracks your company’s production, supply chain and commercial chain and also manages production losses. We provide traceability from the extraction of raw materials until the final disposal of generated waste. Easily manage suppliers, branches, production chain, waste transportation, waste disposal and reverse logistics. Access all the data, documents and licenses your company needs with just one click.

                  We use Blockchain technology to give your company more TRACEABILITY, TRANSPARENCY, COMPLIANCE, DATA SAFETY and RESULTS.

                  SaaS that tracks your company’s production, supply chain and commercial chain and also manages production losses. We provide traceability from the extraction of raw materials until the final disposal of generated waste. Easily manage suppliers, branches, production chain, waste transportation, waste disposal and reverse logistics. Access all the data, documents and licenses your company needs with just one click.

                  We use Blockchain technology to give your company more .

                  Benefits of using GreenPlat


                  Potential revenue increase and reduction of costs by managing your waste generation and disposal with GreenPlat™.


                  All the data you need to reduce the environmental impact of your operation.


                  Potential revenue increase and reduction of costs by managing your waste generation and disposal with GreenPlat™.


                  All the data you need to reduce the environmental impact of your operation.


                  Reduce administrative time and increase your productivity issuing reports and certificates digitally.

                  ZERO-LANDFILL IN 12 MONTHS

                  Speed up your Zero-Landfill goals. Understand how to give the most appropriate destination for each type of waste.


                  Reduce administrative time and increase your productivity issuing reports and certificates digitally.

                  ZERO-LANDFILL IN 12 MONTHS

                  Speed up your Zero-Landfill goals. Understand how to give the most appropriate destination for each type of waste.


                  No more missed deadlines when renewing your licenses. Stay up to date with environmental legislation.


                  Increase traceability and compliance in the supply chain and production management.


                  No more missed deadlines when renewing your licenses. Stay up to date with environmental legislation.


                  Increase traceability and compliance in the supply chain and production management.

                  1,200 features.

                  1,500 customers.

                  40,000 registered companies.

                  More than

                  1,200 features.

                  1,500 customers.

                  40,000 registered companies.

                  1,200 features.

                  1,500 customers.

                  40,000 registered companies.

                  More than

                  1,200 features.

                  1,500 customers.

                  40,000 registered companies.

                  1,200 features.

                  1,500 customers.

                  40,000 registered companies.

                  1,200 features.

                  1,500 customers.

                  40,000 registered companies.

                  NOTE: Average KPIs reached by GreenPlat™ customers. Those may vary according to the sector and nature of operations.

                  GreenPlat Modules

                  GreenPlat™ is built in modules. Here are some of them:


                  Environmental CRM for small and large generators of commercial, industrial and construction waste.

                  Internal Management

                  Control internal processes - areas, processes and production losses - with production efficiency indicators.

                  Waste Manager

                  Module for waste management, treatment and control over final waste disposal.

                  Supplier Management

                  Increase control over your supply chain: track products, raw materials, transport and service providers.

                  There are more than 20 modules for different industry segments: food, chemical, pharmaceutical, logistics, automotive, retail, textile, among others.
                  KNOW ALL THE MODULES



                  Generate electronic waste transport manifests and control transportation, cargo, destination and electronic signatures.

                  DASHBOARD AND REPORTS

                  Control production losses, material and waste transportation and final destination with real-time dashboard and online reports.

                  REVENUE AND EXPENSES

                  Control your production chain and have more control over your revenue and expenses.


                  Issue environmental certificates and keep up with the  environmental compliance.

                  LICENSE CONTROL

                  Never work with an expired license again. Create custom notifications for environmental licenses, environmental authorizations, certificates, manifests, packing lists, invoices, audits, and others. Keep deadlines and expiration dates under control.


                  Meet your environmental goals. Track KPIs and the results in the software.

                  SUPPLIER MANAGEMENT

                  Easy communication with suppliers that manage and transport your waste. Create a traceable record of your business relations and have more control over environmental compliance of your suppliers.

                  IOT SENSORS

                  Automate your processes and control material management and logistics in real time with the integration of IoT sensors.

                  Join this revolution, register for free and get seen by more than 40,000 companies that already use GreenPlat.


                  COMPANIES REGISTERED







                  We are trusted by more than 1500 customers.

                  JOIN THEM


                  Some of the international awards and recognitions that GreenPlat™ won for being an innovation in sustainability and a unique solution for production chains!


                  Pioneering is our DNA

                  We are the first software company in the world to develop and integrate the public and private waste management systems.

                  First production chain tracking system in Latin America.

                  We are the first company in the world to use blockchain for a non-financial purpose: tracking the production chain and environmental aspects.

                  First tool to integrate data from all entities in the production chain into a closed, private and user permissioned network.

                  The largest production chain management structure available on the market, with a technical team qualified and specialized in the subject.

                  GreenPlat in the Media

                  News from GreenPlat Blog

                  SEE MORE

                  Do you want to know more? Leave your contact!

                  All fields are mandatory.

                    Supplier Registration

                    GreenPlat™ is creating the largest blockchain network for waste management, treatment and disposal. You can be part of it! Register here to be a service provider in our waste generators network. Create more connections and generate new businesses for your company.

                      Company Name (*)

                      Employer Identification Number (EIN) (*)

                      Contact Name (*)

                      E-mail (*)

                      Occupation Area (*)


                      Contact Phone (*)

                      Company Website

                      Address (*)

                      Number (*)


                      City (*)

                      State (*)

                      ZIP Code (*)

                      Company Opening Date

                      Number of employees


                      O software da PlataformaVerde é construído em diversos módulos justamente para atender melhor às necessidades de diferentes setores e clientes. Seja a sua empresa uma indústria, comércio, transportadora, destino final de resíduos, multinacional ou pequena empresa: temos a solução perfeita para você. Conheça mais sobre os nossos módulos:

                      MÓDULO GERADORES

                      Voltado para todas as empresas geradoras de resíduos, grandes ou pequenas, industriais ou comerciais, focado na gestão dos seus resíduos. Entre as funcionalidades, estão a emissão do Manifesto de Transporte de Resíduos (MTR) digital atrelado a Nota Fiscal, relatórios, pedidos de coleta, rastreabilidade dos pesos, gestão de licenças e outras funcionalidades.

                      MÓDULO GESTÃO INTERNA

                      Esse módulo oferece o controle de processos internos, fornecendo indicadores de eficiência produtiva e ajudando as empresas a melhorarem seu desempenho financeiro e sustentável. Através dele, é possível fazer a gestão das funcionalidades do módulo Gerador e o cadastro de áreas internas, equipamentos, veículos e funcionários, gestão de entrada e saída, movimentação interna, entre outros.

                      MÓDULO MATRIZ FILIAL

                      O ideal para quem precisa de uma gestão consolidada com várias filiais. Ele é conectado com todos os módulos e suas funcionalidades, trazendo uma visão agregada da matriz e todas filiais da sua empresa de forma globalizada ou individual.

                      MÓDULO GERENCIADOR

                      Para quem transporta, gerencia e/ou trata resíduos, oferecemos: funcionalidades de gestão de entradas e saídas, relatórios, classificação material, planejamento logístico, controle de Notas Fiscais, Fechamentos Gerenciais por cliente, relatórios, certificados de destinação, gestão de licenças, e mais!


                      Módulo disponível para empresas (comerciais e industriais) controlarem toda a sua cadeia de suprimentos (produtos, matérias primas e transportes) e de prestadores de serviços de resíduos (gerenciadores, transportadores e destinos finais). Este módulo permite a empresas terceiras o acesso ao sistema e inclusão de dados que auxiliam a validar pedidos de coleta, informar pesos e tickets de pesagem, controle de cargas e documentos correlatos, além de oferecer assinatura digital ao processo.

                      CONCESSIONÁRIA URBANA – Módulo desenvolvido para a gestão de serviços públicos com controles de veículos, bueiros, varrição, coleta seletiva, coleta de orgânicos, coleta de resíduos de saúde, zeladoria urbana, integrando todos os sistemas das concessionárias de serviços de limpeza urbana.


                      FISCALIZAÇÃO (CTRE) – Módulo público desenvolvido para governos municipais fiscalizarem geradores e transportadores de resíduos, alinhando metas governamentais a legislação aplicada.


                      E MUITO MAIS …


                      Através de mais de 1.200 features customizadas, é possível construir o seu próprio projeto de acordo com as necessidades da sua empresa e do seu segmento, levando a aplicação do conceito da indústria 4.0 muito além do atual horizonte. Veja alguns exemplos:


                      SENSORES – Para quem precisa de monitoramento em tempo real do seu processo produtivo, da perda processual ou do controle da geração de resíduos, é possível ver em tempo real pesagens e enchimento de caçambas, estoques, depósitos, materiais a serem transportados e, com apenas um clique, realizar pedidos de coleta.


                      GESTÃO DE DOCUMENTOS – Tenha 1 terabyte de documentos próprios ou compartilhados anexados a qualquer tipo de processo industrial: auditorias, licenciamento, condicionantes ambientais ou processos internos. Isso inclui uma gestão automática de mensagens, prazos, áreas, responsabilidades e atores.


                      SHARE PLACE – Promovemos a economia circular e colaborativa intragrupo e intrasetores através de um portal. As empresas, filiais e outras do mesmo mercado podem compartilhar serviços de transporte e destinação de resíduos. Ache prestadores de serviços para a sua gestão de resíduos reduzindo custos logísticos e de destinação, e aumentando sua receita de venda.


                      LOGÍSTICA REVERSA – Tenha uma ferramenta que lhe permita atingir todas as metas relacionadas aos acordos setoriais e governamentais de logística reversa através de uma plataforma que efetua o link direto com cooperativas e materiais pós-consumo. Defina seu target, seus materiais, sua negociação e tenha em suas mãos as comprovações legais, criptografadas, únicas e intransferíveis dos volumes de materiais inerentes ao seu acordo.


                      Além disso, temos muitas funcionalidades e integrações que ajudarão a sua empresa a alcançar os objetivos de uma produção e comércio mais sustentável.


                      Entre em contato com o para entender qual é o melhor módulo para você.