Find out what is needed and what are the most important points when creating your

If you follow the weekly posts on our blog Green Gear, you noticed that we have been talking about waste management for 2021 for a few weeks now.

Therefore, in today’s article, we will explain to you how to prepare your Solid Waste Plan for next year, according to the new PERS revision d also of the trends for next year. After all, we cannot let it pass on that from 2020 onwards life has changed – a lot – and also, that the “new normal” requires everyone to adapt.

Speaking of adaptation, we know that many companies and people have been in the atmosphere of industry 4.0 for some time, and that in 2020 this was even more so. But who had not yet adhered to this new mentality, and this new way of working?

In this text we will explain to you how to elaborate and how to restructure your PRS for 2021!

Topics to be covered:

  • How to set up your Solid Waste Plan
  • Importance of landfill eradication and proper waste disposal
  • How GreenPlat can help you


How to set up your Solid Waste Plan

The Solid Waste Plan of a company, contemplates all the problems and the demand for the waste generated on a daily basis. This plan can be made both to manage waste from the production chain, as well as internal waste generated in the daily activities of employees, for example, food waste, paper, office supplies, etc.).

As you could understand in the text on trends in solid waste management for 2021, the National Solid Waste Plan has undergone some changes due to the worldwide scenario of the new coronavirus pandemic, and as a result, has become more rigid in relation to companies that still ship their waste to landfill and also, with those that do not manage their waste correctly, according to the PNRS rules. For this reason, it is high time to create or adapt your company’s plan.

First, it is necessary to carry out an internal evaluation of all the waste that is generated, both in the day-to-day of the office and in the production process (if any). To make it easier, you hire a consulting and environmental compliance company for this.

After this evaluation, you will have a report with all the waste, its type of material, which is generated in larger and smaller quantities. That’s when it comes to hiring environmental software – or assessing whether the software you already use is correctly meeting your demands or whether it can meet new demands.

The environmental software will help you when disposing of waste correctly and also do the reverse logistics of those that can be reused by the company.

A tip that helps a lot is to have two solid waste plans, one for the production process (in the case of factory factories and industries) and one for the daily lives of employees (which involves restaurant waste, hygiene, office supplies, among others). It is also worth mentioning that it is always very important to keep an eye on changes in legislation every time you update or set up your plan.

Importance of landfill eradication and proper waste disposal

Anyone familiar with the environmental area knows that landfills should have been eradicated in 2014, but unfortunately, that date has been postponed and we have come to the end of a decade with so many irregular dumps and landfills in the country. Now, with the changes to 2021 in the National Solid Waste Plan, companies have a stipulated deadline to stop sending their waste to landfill, and this deadline varies according to the size and area of ​​operation of the company.

The only way to avoid or at least reduce the sending of waste to landfills is to carry out a good management of its waste and its production chain. A company that is linked to the environmental footprint, and within the ESG criteria, will not only do its part with society and the environment, but also has a higher market value and advantage over its competitors.

How GreenPlat can help you

GreenPlat is a production chain management software, built with blockchain-based architecture. We help you take care of your waste properly, and you can still count on our knowledge of environmental legislation and standards. Takeda Pharma is one of our biggest success cases, in 12 months of using the platform, it became zero landfill! Your business can also guarantee this achievement!

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