Understand how to issue the MTR online through SINIR, Brazil’s new National Information System on Solid Waste Management  

Next year, as of January 1, 2021, the issuance of the Waste Transport Manifest (MTR) must be mandatorily made by SINIR – National Information System on Solid Waste Management throughout the national territory. 

The MTR was issued manually in several states of the country, but next year all waste generators creating PGRS (Solid Waste Management Plan) must migrate the issuance of this important document to the online model. Find out in this article what SINIR is, how to issue the MTR online and how you can simplify this process with PlataformaVerde! 

  • What is SINIR? 
  • How to issue the MTR online; 
  • PlataformaVerde is integrated with SINIR 

What is SINIR? 

The National Solid Waste Management Information System (SINIR) is one of the instruments of the National Solid Waste Policy (PNRS), which completed a decade in 2020. In June of this year, the Ministry of the Environment instituted, through the Ordinance No. 280, the centralization of MTR emission at SINIR to establish an orderly tracking of all waste generated and apply in Brazil. 

With SINIR it is possible to know and track waste, its generation, temporary storage, transport and final destination in Brazil. Giving more traceability to every process that is already done today. 

How to issue the MTR online 

To issue the MTR online, it is necessary to access the SINIR system (http://mtr.sinir.gov.br), perform a previous registration (only once) and complete the form for each shipment of waste for disposal with the following information: 

  • CNPJ; 
  • waste identification; 
  • quantity in cubic meters (m3); 
  • weight, in kg; 
  • types of waste and respective codes; 
  • identification of the generating company; 
  • full name and position of the responsible person;  
  • carrier identification – scheduled date for collection, driver’s name and vehicle plate. 

It is worth mentioning that the generating company is exclusively responsible for issuing the MTR at SINIR and the other entities involved (carrier and final recipient) only check and sign the document. 

 PlataformaVerde is integrated with SINIR 

Users registered on PlataformaVerde will be able to issue the MTR electronically through our tool with ease, speed and reliability, which will soon receive integration with SINIR.

In this way, our users will continue to enjoy the benefits of financial controls, reports, KPIs, environmental licenses, legislation and now, SINIR’s legal compliance with MTRs and the Annual Solid Waste Inventory. 

Interested? Request a demo at comercial@plataformverde.com.br