Does your company have difficulty dealing with both production and day-to-day waste? See how to handle the garbage in the right way! 


We usually think that waste management should be a concern only for large companies. For this reason, a matter of great importance ends up going almost unnoticed or being neglected. From the moment of production until disposal, every waste has its value, and performing a correct management can help to reduce costs, avoid fines and environmental notifications and also generate revenue. 

In addition, managing waste in small companies also makes the team aware of the issue inside and outside the work environment. In some cities, such as São Paulo, if your company generates more than 200 liters of garbage per day, waste management is mandatory, regardless of the size of your company! 

In this article, we will give you some tips to help with waste management in small and medium-sized companies, both internally and when it comes to managing waste from production. 


What does it take to get started? 

It all starts with the implementation of a PGRS (Solid Waste Management Plan). The PGRS is nothing more than a technical document that every company should have, be it small, medium or large. In this document, the singularities of the residues are specified, such as typology and quantity generated, environmentally correct forms of handling during the stages of generation, conditioning, transport, transhipment, treatment, recycling and final destination. 

From this, it becomes easier to identify the management processes. 

Another important point is, if your company produces some consumer goods, it is interesting to elaborate two different PGRS, that is, one for the waste coming from the production system and the other for the waste coming from the employees’ daily life, in this type they enter waste from office supplies, food, among others. 


Doing the proper management 

  Just separating waste within the company is not enough to have an efficient management: the steps that take place before and after collection must be taken into account. Having an efficient management is a structured and safer way to ensure that all waste generated is identified, quantified and tracked, thus ensuring a correct destination, avoiding unnecessary headaches both for your business and for the environment and society as a whole! 

Steps for good waste management 

  • Classify: Classification of materials helps us to have a better diagnosis of the company’s situation to make the best decision about managing and treating that waste. It must be classified as to the origin from that waste, such as, for example, whether it is hazardous or non-hazardous, electronic, domestic waste (this classification includes waste from the daily activities of the office), special, radioactive, among others. To consult the different classifications, just access the ABNT manual. 
  • Implement a waste management system: Implementing a management software helps mainly with regard to compliance and traceability. This is because it is necessary to check the best forms of handling, transport and disposal of waste according to its classification. During the implementation phase of this system, it is worth mentioning that a general engagement of all employees of the company is necessary, as the digitized processes facilitate the day-to-day work while changing the way everyone was used to working. After all, there is no point in having all the technological ease if there is no preparation and good conditions to work with it, carrying out the actions correctly. 


  • Track and Monitor: Another important point is to perform the monitoring to ensure that the results in view are obtained. When monitoring, there is no control over the quantities generated and collected. After that, the role of traceability comes in to guarantee the safety of the entire route to its final destination. 
  • Focus on improvements: Finally, there is the focus on always seeking improvements, and for this reason the steps mentioned above are so important. If each one of them is correctly executed, it is possible to analyze the effectiveness of the processes and thus find ways to improve management and still take advantage that can contribute to the company’s growth. 

Here at GreenPlat, we have developed software capable of tracking and taking care of the entire production process chain. The thousands of features of GreenPlat bring traceability and intelligence to the companies’ production chain, from legal / compliance, to indicator management and Business Intelligence. Our platform is responsive, intuitive and very simple to use, which brings significant administrative gains to your management. Your team will i waste less time on robotic work and view the production chain in a strategic way, improving processes and generating insights. 

In addition, any and all documentation corresponding to this management is housed within the system to be easily found in the face of an audit. With a login and password you can access this and more from anywhere, just need to have an internet connection.  

Does it all make sense for what you need? Want to understand better?  

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