It is possible to get some revenue from what we throw away every day – just better understand what materials can generate financial gains and how 


All of our activities end up generating waste and, for this reason, the demand in the waste market is very extensive. In addition, with accelerated urban development, new products and solutions for the community are created daily and just with these innovations: disposal is inevitable. 

Including a more sustainable posture in your company’s daily routine can bring big gains in the short, medium and especially in the long term, helping to reduce costs and increase revenue through waste. Assuming that all the plastic produced in Brazil was recycled, there would be an inflow of around R $ 5.7 billion to the economy, according to the National Union of Urban Cleaning Companies (Selurb). In this article, we will explain how part of the discarded waste can generate revenue. In addition, we have a solution that may make sense for your company if financial return through waste is a problem for you. GreenPlat can help you with this demand! 


Why worry about the garbage generated in my company?  

When waste is generated in an amount greater than 200L per day, it is necessary to create a more elaborate management plan, or a PGRS (Solid Waste Management Plan) – you can understand more about PGRS by accessing this other article (link) from our blog. In this plan, the company makes an analysis of all its residues, both in the production processes and in the employees’ daily lives. From there, it is necessary to plan how each one will be managed according to the materials present in the compositions and considering how much is spent on each one or if they can be sold. 

With this, it is possible to perceive when the company is spending an amount above the possible and / or necessary when acquiring certain types of materials at the time of manufacturing its product and thus reducing them, avoiding financial expenses. The main thing is that, through the correct waste management, we are able to verify which disposable materials can generate revenue. 


What materials can generate revenue and how does the market work? 

Noble materials or that have noble ingredients in their composition (such as electronic waste), raw materials (wood is an example) and materials that can be recycled or reused (glass, plastics, paper, cardboard and metals). There are companies specialized in the sale and resale of this waste, some buy by type of material, others by quantity. 

The solid waste market is quite extensive and has several ramifications, from the moment the waste is collected, the transport stage and the final destination of each material collected, these stages can be attributed to both the public and private sectors. Deliberating the responsibility of waste management to the public sector alone is not sufficient due to high demand. This usually happens in less developed countries and the consequence is poor waste management, which ends up being left on the streets or being sent incorrectly. The sector-specific private companies operate taking care of waste and others of the entire production chain, thus allowing cleaner production and the correct disposal of what has been discarded. 


Ways to get financial return 

When the management of the production chain is done from end to end, it is possible to notice gains and losses in three ways: at the time of extraction of raw material, during the production process and during disposal. With this, the operator is allowed to analyze where and when money is being spent, if a certain type of material is being used in excess, the cost and the environmental impact, and it is also possible to notice which types of materials can be commercialized for companies specialized in reuse. 

The sale of waste as a secondary raw material creates a lot of value for your business, however, it is interesting to have more than one type of buyer and to know exactly who to offer to. There are companies that specialize in recycling and selling and reselling recyclables, and you can still sell directly to cooperatives. The interesting thing is to always keep more than one customer and not become the sole supplier of a single company, this type of business ends up being a fragile model since you end up becoming dependent on that customer to succeed. Also, when you have more buyers, you get a better margin for the variation of contracts, being able to choose the one that is more feasible according to the pace of production, payment conditions or other criteria that are more important. 


Where does PlataformaVerde enter this process? 

GreenPlat’s software acts in the traceability of the entire production chain. With our system, it is possible to manage production from the moment of extraction of the raw material until the final destination. Through the reports, according to the information provided by the manager or operator, our system shows in real time which waste generates expenses and which generates revenue, facilitating the perception when obtaining financial return and avoiding unnecessary expenses, also reducing the environmental impact . Our modules are easy to use! Another advantage of GreenPlat is the creation of a network of data shared between partners, such as licenses and MTRs, which facilitates transparency in transportation and destination. That is, it is possible to guarantee the correct destination of everything that your company produces. 

 If you think we can help your business better control your waste spending, please contact us by email: